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Zecharia Sitchin
The Earth Chronicles:
Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge by Zecharia Sitchin.
(August 1995) - more
These are the Roswell
glyphics that have baffled cryptographers & translators for the past year. On first
glance it seems that what we are looking at are 3 rows of very enigmatic inscriptions.
Actually, the entire glyphic contains just two words in ancient
- more
Andean Atlantis
Jim Allen, a British explorer,
told a press conference Friday that the legendary lost continent of
Atlantis, which was thought to be buried in a torrent of water, may sit 12,000 feet above
sea level in Bolivia - more
Urban Legends
- appear mysteriously and spread
spontaneously in varying forms
- contain elements of humor or
horror (the horror often "punishes" someone who flouts society's
- make good storytelling.
- do NOT have to be false,
although most are. ULs often have a basis in fact, but it's their life
after-the-fact (particularly in reference to the second and third points)
that gives them particular interest."
- more
Secret Gov. Technology
I'm here to speak about Secret Government Technology,
reverse engineering of Alien Artifacts, and the Top Secret MJ-12 committee, which I write
about in my new book, Alien Rapture - The Chosen, with my co-author Brad Steiger. Brad is
the author of 143 published works including the Best Seller Project Bluebook. - more