Reading List 1 |
Title |
(WWW info on author or title) |
Abbey's Road |
Edward Abbey |
Beyond the Wall |
Black Sun |
Brave Cowboy |
Confessions of a Barbarian |
Desert Solitaire* |
Down the River |
Fire on the Mountain |
Fool's Progress*** |
Hayduke Lives! |
Journey Home |
Monkey Wrench Gang |
One Life at A Time Please |
Voice Crying in the Wilderness |
Natural History of the Senses |
Diane Ackerman |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Douglas Adams |
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors |
and Ann Druyan |
Gods Themselves |
Issac Asimov |
I Robot |
Martian Way and Other Stories |
Music of Chance |
Paul Auster |
Johnathan Livingston Seagull |
Richard Bach |
Droll Stories |
Honore' de Balzac |
Desierto |
Charles Bowden |
Budding Prospects |
Boyle |
Without a Hero and Other Stories |
Dandelion Wine |
Ray Bradbury |
Illustrated Man* |
Martian Chronicles |
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee |
Dee Brown |
How to Talk Dirty and Influence Strangers |
Lenny Bruce |
South By No North |
Charles Bukowski |
The Fall |
Albert Camus |
The Plague |
The Stranger |
A Separate Reality |
Carlos Castaneda |
Journey to Ixtlan |
Tales of Power |
Teachings of Don Juan |
Family of Pascual Duarte |
Camilo Jose' Cela |
Necessary Illusions |
Noam Chomsky |
Profit Over People |
What Uncle Sam Really Wants |
Year 501* |
2001 |
Arthur C Clarke |
Childhood's End |
Rendezvous with Rama |
Heart of Darkness |
Joseph Conrad |
Guns Germs and Steel* |
Jared Diamond |
For the Time Being |
Annie Dillard |
Pilgram at Tinker Creek* |
Brothers Karamazov |
Dostoevsky |
Crime and Punishment |
Story of Philosophy |
Will Durant |
Relativity-A Simple Explanation |
Albert Einstein |
To Your Scattered Bodies Go |
Philip Jose Farmer |
Venus on the Half Shell |
Philip Jose Farmer
(as Kilgore Trout) |
Light in August |
Faulkner |
Sound and the Fury* |
Great Gatsby |
F.Scott Fitzgerald |
Autobiography and Other Writings |
Benjamin Franklin |
Book of the Eskimos |
Peter Freuchen |
The Communist Manifesto |
Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels |
Bible |
Almighty God |
Stranger in a Strange Land |
Robert Heinlein |
Time Enough for Love |
Catch-22 |
Joseph Heller |
Islands in the Stream* |
Ernest Hemingway |
Dune |
Frank Herbert |
Siddhartha* |
Hermann Hesse |
Godel Escher Bach (to chapter 4) |
Richard Hofstader |
End of Science |
John Horgan |
How to Lie with Statistics |
Darrell Huff |
Brave New World |
Aldous Huxley |
Doors of Perception |
Hotel New Hampshire |
John Irving |
Prayer for Owen Meany* |
World According to Garp |
Ulysses |
James Joyce |
On the Road |
Jack Keroauc |
Flowers for Algernon* |
Daniel Keyes |
Stand |
Stephen King |
Into the Wild |
Jon Krakauer |
Into Thin Air |
Unbearable Lightness of Being |
Milan Kundera |
Haunted Mesa |
Louis L'amour |
Return From the Stars |
Stanislaw Lem |
Golden Notebook |
Doris Lessing |
Out of the Silent Planet |
C.S. Lewis |
Babbitt |
Sinclair Lewis |
Einstein's Dreams |
Alan Lightmen |
Lies My Teacher Told Me |
James Loewen |
Call of the Wild |
Jack London |
Martin Eden* |
People of the Abyss |
The Iron Heel |
One Hundred Years of Solitude* |
Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
Lord of the Flies |
William Golding |
A Reasonable Life |
Ferenc Mate |
Razor's Edge |
Somerset Maugham |
All the Pretty Horses |
Cormac McCarthy |
Child of God |
End of Nature* |
Bill McKibben |
Canticle for Liebowitz |
Walter Miller |
Downsize This! |
Michael Moore |
Black Elk Speaks |
John Neihart |
1984 |
George Orwell |
Animal Farm |
Grizzly Years |
Doug Peacock |
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance |
Robert Pirsig |
Ship of Fools |
Katherine Anne Porter |
Atlas Shrugged |
Ayn Rand |
Fountainhead* |
End of Work |
Jeremy Rifkin |
Silicon Snakeoil |
The Social Contract or
Principles of Political Right |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau |
In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays |
Bertrand Russell (1) |
Why I am Not a Christian* |
Bertrand Russell (2) |
Broca's Brain* |
Carl Sagan |
Dragons of Eden |
Catcher in the Rye |
J.D. Salinger |
Dying Inside |
Silverberg |
Man in the Maze |
Masks of Time* |
To Live Again |
Up the Line |
Life of the Cosmos* |
Lee Smolin |
Angle of Repose |
Wallace Stegner |
Of Mice and Men |
John Steinbeck |
More Than Human |
Sturgeon |
When Elephants Weep |
Jeffrey Masson
and Susan McCarthy |
Gulliver's Travels |
Jonathon Swift |
Civil Disobedience* |
Henry David Thoreau |
Walden |
Future Shock |
Alvin Toffler |
Fellowship of the Ring* |
Tolkien |
Hobbit |
Lord of the Rings |
Return of the King |
Anna Karenina |
Tolstoy |
Confederacy of Dunces* |
John Kennedy Toole |
The Caretta |
B. Traven |
The White Rose* |
Huckleberry Finn |
Mark Twain |
Theory of the Leisure Class |
Thorstein Veblen |
Breakfast of Champions |
Vonnegut |
Slaughter House-Five |
The Book
(On the Taboo Against
Knowing Who You Are) |
Alan Watts |
Leaves of Grass |
Walt Whitman |
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test |
Tom Wolfe |
Waves* |
Virginia Woolf |
Native Son |
Richard Wright |
Declarations of Independence* |
Zinn |
People's History of the United States |
the above titles were read
and personally recommended by:
John Whitley
Favorites : * ** *** |

Happy Five-O! |