History & Stories
Included here are some personal stories about outhouses, Some
were submitted via other mail lists and slight corrections have been made.
An OUTHOUSE = privy, necessarium, toilet, water closet, biffie, john, potty,
latrine, comfort station or crapper
Date: 98-02-05
From: mdmodlin@netins.net (Marilyn Modlin)
From.................. "Iowa's Vanishing Outhouse" by Bruce Carlson:
"The history of the quarter-moon on the door of the outhouse goes way back.
Most serious historians who are students of the subject are of the opinion
that the custom started in Europe in the 1500s or the 1600s. It was common
practice, back then, to identify which outhouse was which by means of a
circular symbol on the door of the men's' and a quarter-moon on the ladies'.
The use of symbols rather than words was necessary due to the widespread
illiteracy of the times. When a feller can't read and is headed for the
outhouse, he sure doesn't need some incomprehensible hieroglyphics on the
door to figure out. The circular symbol and the quarter-moon were Europe's
version of the Chinese Yin and Yang. The circle was representative of the
sun which symbolized masculinity. The more subdued and submissive moon, on
the other hand, represented femininity. The use of the circle and
quarter-moon was especially common at inns and houses for lodging. Not only
was illiteracy a problem, but also the clientele of such places was more
likely to be travelers from another country and another language. These
universal signs were easy to make and easy to "read", so most such places
had the little houses out back so designated, one with a circular sign, and
one with the quarter-moon. So why is the quarter-moon applied in more recent
times to outhouses in general? The answer to that apparently lies in the
economics of maintaining outhouses. If one of the outhouses at an inn, for
example, were to have fallen into a state of disrepair, the solution was
often to transfer, if necessary, the quarter-moon onto the surviving
structure. It was reasoned that the men could always simply step into the
shadows of the trees. An outhouse had to be kept for the ladies, of course,
so whatever outhouse fell apart first was automatically the men's. This
practice became so widespread that in many cases only a women's outhouse
would be available to those who frequented such public places. Since those
carried the quarter-moon, that symbol soon evolved into the sign for any
outhouse, in general, rather than one for ladies only."
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998
From: ERDFEST@worldnet.att.net
We too had an outdoor privy. Our house was built right next to Grandma and
Grandpa's. they built it themselves after they lost their house in town
(Ashtabula). During the 50's we dug a septic tank and put indoor plumbing
into their house. We still didn't have one, used a "thunder mug". Guess who
had to empty that smelly thing! Ooooooowwweeeee! But, the outhouse was left
standing. We had a three holer, small for the kids, medium for Dad &
Grandpa, large for Grandma & Mom. The outhouse was movable and Grandpa
always located it so that the door was directly behind an oak tree to which
he would affix a panel of boards, so that you could use the outhouse with
the door open, the advantage should be obvious. I thought it was really neat
right up until I graduated from High School. You wouldn't be bothered. It
was a perfect spot to go and read undisturbed, just like bathrooms today.
No, it didn't smell. Grandpa always kept a bag of lime with a tin can in it
in the corner, and every now and then, you'd simply dump some down the
holes, you'd know when. And besides, you left the door open. To this day at
home, I leave the door open. Habit. Now, you didn't always use a three
seater alone. There was no embarrassment in sharing the outhouse, often my
younger brother and I were there at the same time, same schedules, you know.
In retrospect, the outhouse was a Free Zone. It's gone today. Along with the
henhouse and garage. The garage had been the original house until the new
house was built. Our house was next to it, and our garage/barn behind. Gone
in a brush fire. The woods behind our property are also gone now to an
apartment house complex. Those woods from whose bosom I would pick
wildflowers in the spring for my mother; white dogtooth violets, purple and
yellow ones. Yellow adder tongues and spring beauties. We'd leave the
Trilliums because they were so few. It was always a thrill when my brother
and I would find a new one in the spring. All gone. Down at the end of our
road where it connected to Us 20, you now have a stoplight and if you go
straight you enter Wal-Mart where once dairy cows pastured and there was a
creamery. A gigantic plaza sits next to Wally World. There's now a piece of
interstate down to the Harbor! I miss sitting in that old outhouse even at
night when only the stars or moon was your light, maybe you carried a
flashlight. Although, I do like my warm inside one at this side of 50. I
know why Grandpa built the inside one.
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998
From: Asa Daniel adaniel@gte.net
Subject: Outhouses
This last week-end we had the big race here in Texas - The Texas 500 -now
this is a big deal for the economy of our region and it got me to thinking.....now
it kind of hurts when I think so I try and think and relate to things that I
know about - that way it is not as painful. The press was talking about the
pit stops that will be omnipresent along North Texas highways today as
thousands of motorists head for the NASCAR race at Texas Motor Speedway.
They are sleek, air-freshened mini rooms, complete with easy-pull paper. But
I have a little trouble here cause I don't know too much about that but one
thing I do know is outhouses. Ya see when I was a mere Lad I was a
honey-dipper! What is a honey dipper ya say? Well I'll tell you about that
later...Cause this is now, but back "then" folks raced for plum thickets,
seeking a measure of privacy. So now that the subject is out in the open,
let's talk about outhouses. Outhouses. You know, houses that were, well, out
back, out yonder, out of sight, out a-ways. We are short of such buildings
these days, but every community in the rural counties of Northeast Texas
there are reminders that they were once as common as plum thickets.
Preparation for widening highway frontage along Farm Road 1709 two years ago
uncovered reminders of a rural past in the form of sheds, outhouses and other
kinds of folk architecture. Outhouses, forerunners of today's toilet
facilities, were not always heralded as the best idea since the wheel. A
story is told about a German family who came to Texas in the 1850s and built
an outhouse on their property, the first ever. Citizens of the settlement
were so offended that, under cover of darkness, they tore the thing down
three times, considering the place indecent and an affront to the
sensibilities of civilized frontier people. Ya see it was better to hide in
the bushes. Or, for the women folk, to use chamber pots and such inside the
house. In the last 50 years or so that many citizens were putting indoor
plumbing in their homes that, too, was resisted by some. One woman protested
when her grown children offered her modern bathroom amenities. "I just don't
know," she said. "Seems to me business of a private nature ought not be done
inside the house." Outhouses were wood, one- or two-holers with a half-moon
or some other decoration on the door, granddaddy long-legs crawling up your
legs, corncobs and/or catalogs on the floor within reach. Funny stories
abound, but one of the best is about a lady who wrote to Sears, Roebuck and
Co. wanting to order toilet paper. A letter was sent to the customer asking
for the page and item number from the book. Her swift reply was, "If I'd had
the catalog, I wouldn't have needed to order the toilet paper." Of the boyhood
pranks recounted in area histories, pushing over an outhouse, especially on
Halloween, was the ultimate. If somebody was inside at the time, all the
better. There is a large vocabulary for the place where one might attend to
private needs, all of the words designed to circumnavigate the obvious:
privy, necessarium, toilet, water closet, biffie, john, potty, latrine,
comfort station and Crapper, so called in honor of Thomas Crapper, the
father of modern plumbing. (Bet ya didn't know that did you?) There were
instructions and blueprints in farm magazines of the late 19th and early
20th centuries for building outhouses. The door was of prime importance. It
must always swing in, to give the user full control over entrance and exit.
"Why? If the door swung out, well, then where would you be? " one builder
said. Placement of the outhouse should, naturally, be behind the main house,
in line with the wood shed. "Take a woman, for instance - out she goes. On
the way back she'll gather five sticks of wood, and the average woman will
make four or five trips a day. On a good day you'll have your wood box
filled by noon. " So said Charles "Chick" Sales in a 1929 publication. Landscaping
was important. Fig trees were recommended because they benefited from the
constant replenishing of the soil. Cover vines such as trumpet, morning
glory and coral were advised for color and screening; wisteria and
honeysuckle for fragrance. Times have changed, but often the basic idea
remains. Modern bathrooms are, of course, things of beauty and a joy forever.
Chamber pots have found modern adaptations in camping pots featuring
heavy-duty plastic. But a few of you readers know the efficacy of a 3-pound
coffee can kept in the trunk of the car. It has been the traveling emergency
equipment in my family for the last three generations. Which now brings me to
the "HONEY DIPPER"....It were one in my younger years and our job was to
move the outhouses and to cover up the reminders of where it once was....My
cousin Tinker and I was the "bestest" honey dippers in the agurs community and
we got all the calls to move the "TOILETS". Now I kin member one time we
were moving this here outhouse and it was on a Saturday and we had us a big
day planned out (probably going to Dixie Garden Rodeo or sumpin') Well we had
moved the outhouse and now we were trying to "Cover up" and I he kept saying
that was enough dirt over it and I didn't think so......well finally I agreed
and told him to jump up and down on it several times to "pack down" the dirt
and we would be through and we could go.....he did and he sunk to his waist
in waste....he he.......he didn't go to the rodeo that day......he he. If
reading this has been a mystery to you from beginning to end, call your
grandmother or somebody else's. Asa D............LOLASAS
From: JustJayCee JustJayCee@aol.com
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 1998
In a message dated 98-03-29 19:47:17 EST, you write:
<< Of trees I robbed in days of yore, Then seek the shanty where my Name is
carved upon the door. >>
My aunt was the last in the family to get an indoor bathroom, and, believe
it or not this was in the 1960's. (She is 87 years young now and still
driving and as feisty as ever). The roof was blown off of the outhouse in a
storm and my uncle saw no reason to replace it. So, they had an outhouse
without a roof. Everything was okay until one day, a small private plane was
flying over and discovered my aunt in the outhouse from overhead. She said he
made several passes and she was sure he saw her. Instead of being
embarrassed she said she just waved hello!!
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998
From: Lily <lilylace@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Outhouses
We grew up in New Hampshire and had an attached outhouse. A two holer I
might add. Even after they put in indoor plumbing, which was before my time,
it was still there cause it was part of the house. You could say we had an
indoor outhouse. We thought it was really cool that the outhouse our
great grand parents built was still there. Then one winter when the pipes
froze and broke to the bathroom and we had to use the indoor outhouse. I
think I was 10 or 11 at the time, and my sister even younger. We didn't
think it was cool any longer it was down right cold. I bet she still
remembers that winter just like I do. I could not even imagine walking
through snow to get there, as I bet, you had to do.
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998
From: JustJayCee <JustJayCee@aol.com>
Subject: Chief Falling Rock
An Indian chief assembled the young men of his tribe and asked, "Who threw
outhouse over cliff?" Nobody spoke up. Again the chief asked. Again there
was silence. The chief went on saying, "Many moons ago, George Washington
cut down cherry tree." "He confess. He no get whipping." "So tell me - who
push outhouse over cliff?" Running Wind, a boy of ten and the chief's son,
raised his hand. "I push outhouse over cliff." The chief smacked the kid
hard on his rear end. Running Wind said, "George Washington no get hit by
father." The chief said, "George Washington's father not in cherry tree when
he chop it down."
Jean C.
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998
From: peggy116@juno.com
Subject: re-Outhouse story/This N' That
That was a great outhouse story! Brought back memories of when I was a girl
and we picked beans/other produce in the field and used the outhouses. Like
you say, at any time there was the threat of some "darn boys" knocking it
over. This speeded up my use of the outhouse considerably, for the thought
of being caught with one's pants down was a horror to my sensibilities! One
foolish thing I did in the bean field at the age of perhaps 13---I had a
huge crush on one of the farm worker's...I got to see him daily, but since
my mother picked with us, I could not flirt much. One day as we began to
leave the bean field in Mother's car I was in the front seat, and Rodney, my
crush, walked in front of the car...Mother of course would not have dreamed
of this, so I reached over with my foot to goose the gas pedal just a
"little" to scare Rodney...it was all Mother could do to keep her foot
jammed on the brake and avoid hitting him! Being a meek and obedient child
normally, I was of course, thoroughly chastised, and Rodney certainly never
walked in front of OUR car again, thinking my Mother was nuts! I guess that
was the most mortifying thing I could have done; from then on I never dared
to think 16 year old Rodney would even look my way. To her credit, my Mother
never told him I did the dirty deed. Oh, the folly of youth! Another thing I
recall is picking strawberries in the summer to earn our own nice school
clothes. With 6 kids, there was never enough money to buy much more than one
new pair of shoes and a couple outfits each year. So, all of us kids worked
summers at whatever produce related job this beautiful Willamette Valley's
farmers could provide at that time to any child over the age of 10. Well, we
were looked after in the field by a lady who was acquainted with my Mother,
and she checked our rows regularly to be sure we picked "clean". What she
did not know was that upon occasion we would fill the strawberry flats half
full with dirt, and then carefully cover it with strawberries full to the
brim and get paid for only picking half the flat! I only tried this a couple
of times as I was too afraid of the humiliation that would result if I was
discovered and my Mother was to know! Not to mention telling Dad! The berry
and bean fields, hoeing young plants, stringing green beans and such, all
taught me a healthy work ethic and and no fear of physical labor. Today I am
amazed that I meet young people in the workplace that have no incentive nor
desire to do any kind of a good day's labor for their paycheck, and in fact
whine that it is BORING, they are TIRED, and they want to GO HOME every 20
minutes. Go figure! All I can think is that they were not raised as I was.
Well, I have gone on long enough.
Peggy of Portland, OR