Friday, March 14, 2025
INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE Intro to IA Defining The Site's Goals Defining The Audience Content and Functionality Site Structure Visual Design Design Document HOME
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Intro Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
1. Goals
2. User Experience
2.1 Audience Definition 2.2 Scenarios 2.3 Competitive Analysis Summary
2.1 Audience Definition
2.2 Scenarios
2.3 Competitive Analysis Summary
3. Site Content and Funtional Requirements
3.1 Content Grouping and Labeling 3.2 Functional Requirements
3.1 Content Grouping and Labeling
3.2 Functional Requirements
4. Site Structure
4.1 Site Structure Listing (or Summary) 4.2 Architectural Blueprints 4.3 Global and Local Navigation Systems
4.1 Site Structure Listing (or Summary)
4.2 Architectural Blueprints
4.3 Global and Local Navigation Systems
5. Visual Design
5.1 Layout Grids 5.2 Design Sketches 5.3 Page Mock-ups 5.4 Web-based Prototype Appendix A: Competitive Analysis Appendix B: Content Inventory Appendix C: Site Structure Listing (optional)
5.1 Layout Grids
5.2 Design Sketches
5.3 Page Mock-ups
5.4 Web-based Prototype
Appendix A: Competitive Analysis
Appendix B: Content Inventory
Appendix C: Site Structure Listing (optional)